The Goddess of love & beauty is Aphrodite

The Goddess of love & beauty is Aphrodite


Aphrodite is the Goddess of love, beauty, passion and procreation. There are few myths regarding her origins, with the most popular one being her emergence from the sea following the castration of Ouronos. She is usually said to have been born near her chief center of worship, Paphos, on the island of Cyprus. This is why she is sometimes referred to as Cypris. Aphrodite has the reputation of being an irresistible beauty, which made both men and gods madly lust after her. According to myth there was unrest among the Gods for her favor which ultimately led her to be married to the ugly smithing God Hephaestus. However, Aphrodite was not faithful to her husband and had several affairs with Gods and mortals alike. Aphrodite was later syncretized as the Roman Goddess Venus. She is mostly seen accompanied by the Erotes, winged gods associated with love and sexual desire like Eros (Cupid); Anteros and Himeros. Aphrodite’s major symbols include myrtles, roses, doves, sparrows and swans. Her main festival, the Aphrodisia, was celebrated across ancient Greece, particularly in Athens and Corinth.

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